A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE

Filename: production/localconfig.php

Line Number: 49


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/config/production/localconfig.php
Line: 49
Function: _error_handler

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 282


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 294


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 304


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 314


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 315


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 316


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 317


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 375


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: session_set_save_handler(): Cannot change save handler when headers already sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 110


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 143


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/libraries/Ion_auth.php
Line: 67
Function: library

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 16
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 263
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/system/core/Exceptions.php:271)

Filename: core/Input.php

Line Number: 408


File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/models/Pn_cart_model.php
Line: 61
Function: set_cookie

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/models/Pn_cart_model.php
Line: 48
Function: store_encrypted_cookie

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/models/Pn_cart_model.php
Line: 26
Function: set_cookie_data

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/core/MY_Controller.php
Line: 267
Function: check_cart_cookie

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/application/controllers/About.php
Line: 8
Function: __construct

File: /www/htdocs/w00fa964/live_2024-05/index.php
Line: 309
Function: require_once

Schneider Diamantwerkzeuge GmbH - Produktnavigator

About Us

A Look Behind the Scenes

Our company was founded in 1994 in Kraichtal, in Germany's Karlsruhe technology belt. Starting from modest beginnings with only a few employees, we are today the leading full-service provider of diamond tooling for sewer rehabilitation. For more than 20 years, enthusiasm and pride in what we do have powered our in-house development

of innovative diamond tooling fulfilling highest quality standards. Driven by a commitment to excellence, we optimize our products and fabrication processes to meet and exceed customers' expectations and requirements. Customer satisfaction in markets worldwide is our highest priority and the key to our success.

Our company was founded in 1994 in Kraichtal, in Germany's Karlsruhe technology belt. Starting from modest beginnings with only a few employees, we are today the leading full-service provider of diamond tooling for sewer rehabilitation. For more than 20 years, enthusiasm and pride in what we do have powered our in-house development of innovative diamond tooling fulfilling highest quality standards. Driven by a commitment to excellence, we optimize our products and fabrication processes to meet and exceed customers' expectations and requirements. Customer satisfaction in markets worldwide is our highest priority and the key to our success.



Cutting materials

Diamond segments are compounded by blending metal powders and synthetic diamonds. The segments are sintered to the desired shape and dimensions by compression molding at high temperature and pressure. The result is a metallic matrix with embedded diamond grains.The amounts and types of metal and diamond components used are formulated specifically for the intended application, i.e. the materials to be processed. The formulation is a key factor for the tooling's cutting performance and wear behavior.
The cutting effect of the diamond segments is provided by the diamond grains which protrude out of the metal matrix. The segment composition is engineered to provide smooth operation and highly effective cutting performance.

Milling and grinding of:

  • Concrete
  • Reinforced concrete
  • Natural stone
  • Artificial stone
  • Deposits / fouling
  • Cast iron
PCD segments are made from a tungsten carbide base material with diamond micropowder on its surface.
A special sinter process with high pressure and temperature is used to transform the loose micropowder into a homogeneous diamond layer. The PCD blanks made in this manner are then cut into individual PCD segments and configured with cutting geometry as required for the intended application.
The cutting effect of PCD segments is provided by a cutting edge which is tailor-designed for the application field at hand. PCD tooling provides aggressive cutting behavior with rapid volume removal.

Milling of:

  • Concrete
  • Natural stone
  • Artificial stone
  • Deposits / fouling
  • CIPP liners
  • PVC
  • Roots
Tungsten carbide granules are recycled material recovered from turning or cutting inserts used in the metalworking industry. The inserts are transformed to granular material by a crushing process providing the required grain size distribution.
Tungsten carbide granulates are available in a broad spectrum of grain sizes ranging from very fine (0.3 – 0.5 mm) to coarse (3.0 – 4.0mm). This provides high flexibility for design of tailor-made tooling for specific applications.
The cutting effect is provided by the tungsten carbide granules protruding from the tooling surface. Grain size and grain spacing can be selected as required to further optimize cutting performance.

Milling and grinding of:

  • CIPP liners
  • PVC
  • Roots